Will 3D Printing Replace Traditional Manufacturing?

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The production industry and 3D printing is a dream team. Manufacturing is a constantly evolving industry, and 3D printing is now at the forefront of many advances and innovative techniques. BCN3D asked David Trillo Hernández, a member of its technical team, for his predictions about the future of manufacturing with additive manufacturing tools and the effects we're seeing today.

Will 3D printing replace traditional production?

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Currently, 3D printing has many different applications in industry, such as production of precision tools, accessories and prototypes. As a solution, 3D printing is very valuable in industry due to its ability to quickly adapt to needs and ideas, especially when producing objects that speed up processes in the production chain. Particularly when it comes to creating tools and fixtures that can be quickly adapted to your unique needs.

Traditional prototyping can be expensive and time-consuming. You would either have to contract with an external manufacturer or devote time and resources to creating a prototype in-house. The increase in the number of 3D printers in production plants has accelerated the prototyping process. 3D printing also ensures lower production costs and a lower impact on the environment. A good example of this is Renault. Renault has established an in-house 3D printing center that allows them to produce the necessary tools, accessories and prototypes without having to rely on an external manufacturer. The center does not have one specific application, but instead uses 3D printing for a variety of requests. The value of this is similar to having a dedicated workshop in your own company. However, although it is now an important part of manufacturing processes, 3D printing is not yet used on a large scale to create full-scale end products.

The future of 3D printing in production

In the coming years, we expect 3D printing to be used to create more end-use products. With increasing market demand for customized and personalized products, we anticipate that the role of 3D printing will grow exponentially as the technology allows for greater flexibility in customizing products without adding huge costs. Let's look at car manufacturing for example. If a consumer needs a car with a customized steering wheel, this would typically be a very expensive and time-consuming addition to the production process.

However, 3D printing could provide the opportunity to create personalization straight from the manufacturer at a much lower cost and time than other traditional methods. This could become a reality in the near future, when the material will be as strong and meet the same quality standards as today's end-use products. We also anticipate that the ease of use of industrial-grade materials will also change over time. We have already seen this in recent years in the case of ABS. Just a few years ago, printing with ABS was considered difficult and not for beginners. However, this material has evolved to make ABS a very commonly used material. We expect that similar evolution can be observed for many other materials.

Will 3D printing ever replace manufacturing?

Will 3D printing ever replace traditional production? That's a good question considering how quickly it revolutionized the industry. Potentially, many, many years from now, 3D printing will expand and replace traditional manufacturing as we know it today. However, this is probably not something we will see in our lifetime. In the near future, 3D printing has the potential to significantly modify some processes in the industry. Instead of seeing 3D printing as the potential end of manufacturing as we know it, we see 3D printing as a way to expand the field of production beyond what we can currently imagine.

Source: www.bcn3d.com

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