3 Benefits of 3D Printing Architectural Models

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The first to adopt 3D printing were architects. 3D printing architectural models, also known as additive manufacturing, open up a whole new world of design possibilities in the architectural industry. From modeling to marketing goals and even being greener, there are many reasons why 3D printing and architecture are the perfect combination. This article introduces some of the most common additive manufacturing applications for architects.

3 Ways Architects Use 3D Printing

1. Architectural models

Probably the most common use of 3D printing in architecture is prototyping, which is an advantage of 3D printing in many industries. Using 3D printers allows architects to build architectural models faster and more accurately. 3D printers can complete a project in just a few minutes, which significantly reduces the design and construction time. The printed models can be more detailed than the models produced by traditional production methods. One of the biggest advantages of printing 3D models is that they can be printed multiple times and in different variations. This allows architects to create multiple designs for better analysis and modeling.

Creating multiple variations is especially useful for studying spatial relationships in designs. By creating models quickly, you can better visually understand the project outcomes. As 3D printing reduces time, architects can also spend more time creating finer details that help further conceptualize the end product. Small-scale printed furniture, fittings and intricate designs are important details that bring the concept to life and allow customers to fully understand the design.

Turning Torso by architect Santiago Calatrava printed in 3D.

Turning Torso by architect Santiago Calatrava printed in 3D.

2. Marketing and sales goals

Architectural firms can present their work and designs in a more meaningful way using 3D printing. Whether your prints are used in customer presentations or general marketing efforts, the practical nature of the 3D printed models adds value to your marketing and sales efforts. For example, architects can use 3D printing to better present their ideas during presentations. This may include sending samples on a small scale or presenting models in a presentation meeting to fully showcase a complex idea or structure. While on-screen presentation of your design can be effective, there's no substitute for being able to see the scaled model for yourself. Using 3D printing in this feature is a surefire way to increase your company's efficiency in presentation meetings. 3D printing also allows companies to present their creativity and ideas concretely. By creating small 3D printed marketing materials, you can give future customers something tangible to show off the ingenuity and capabilities of the company, long before receiving the finished project.

3. Saving

Another major reason why more and more architectural firms are turning to 3D printing is to save money. And we're not just talking about money - 3D printing for architecture can also save time and even our planet. Traditionally, models have been created by meticulously cutting and pasting cardboard or foam patterns over the course of days and weeks. Additive manufacturing reduces this time to just a few hours. Even larger models can be printed overnight in the office, giving you more time to plan and make changes. Since so much time is saved on modeling, it also opens the door to creating more variations and comparing different designs and ideas. Printed 3D models also allow architects to reduce costs while working more sustainably. For example, a filament such as PLA is biodegradable and, at the same time, is one of the most cost-effective filaments on the market. In addition, PLA is ideal for printing complex designs and difficult details, making it an optimal material for architectural models. Efficiently used 3D printing can increase the efficiency of your company in many different ways.


These three applications are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to incorporating 3D printing into an architectural workflow. Many architectural firms have adopted this technology for its value, allowing architects to focus on what they do best: innovation.

Source: www.bcn3d.com