Large-format sculpture

In: Practical Applications On: Hit: 1978

1: 1 scale human sculpture made with 3D scanning and 3D printing.

Large-format sculpture


The detail of 3D printing technology allows for creating complex and demanding objects. The GMN design office - Get Models Now, by designing a 1: 1 sculpture, wanted to show that 3D printing brings with it unlimited possibilities, and post-production allows you to obtain any desired effect. The challenge was to create a unique design obtained through the use of the 3D scanning method, the development of multi-part printing and joining technology, as well as the final antique styling, combined with modernity.


The GMN design office - Get Models Now, thanks to the use of scanning technology and 3D printing, has created a large-format human project in a 1: 1 scale. The scan application allowed to save the silhouette of the man and reproduce it as closely as possible to the real shape of the figure. The next step was to combine the individual parts of the model, which, when put together, made up the entire human being in its actual size.


Post-production made it possible to create a unique male model by giving it a natural form and shapes characteristic of the presented character. Thanks to the use of many procedures, it was possible to achieve authenticity, thus showing that using 3D printing and the post-production process, it is possible to create faithful copies of reality, including human figures. The entire project was completed in 30 days.
